The Marshall Society Before ChatGPT: the economic impact of technological improvement since the 1970s Accounting for the UK Fiscal Hole Promoting a Green Transition: A Discussion of Potential Unspoken Hindrances About Us The UK Property Market: Current Trends and Implications for the Economy China’s Reopening: What are its Effects? Brexit: A Less-than-Perfect Union? Thoughts Membership Thank You Join Us Introducing HANK: The Model Revolutionising Macroeconomics Marshall’s Manor Masquerade Ball The Economics of Marijuana Criminalization and Legislation The Bubbles that Govern the Public Sphere Privacy Policy How and what kind of economic incentives should governments design to slow, halt, and/or reverse environmental degradation? Political economy of the war in Ukraine Going Westward: What Will EU Membership Bring to Ukraine? Understanding Women’s Labour Market Participation: Claudia Goldin’s Nobel Prize Japan’s Negative Interest Rates Energy and Food Crisis in Nigeria and Africa: the Oil Curse Revised under Global Inflation Homepage Annual Dinner Sweden’s Cashless Future When the Music Stops: The Chinese Real Estate Crisis Explained Navigating the West’s relationship with Africa in the drawback period of Chinese FDI Are Conservatives No Longer Conservative? Central Bank Digital Currencies: What are they, and why do they matter? Brazil – Rebirth or fall? An analysis of the 2022 Brazilian elections Public Sector Wages: To Increase or Restrain? The Economic Harms of Burning Bridges – A Look at Economic Fragmentation, and its Results for Climate and Global Debt Essay Competition 2024